Ryabikov V.
Abstract. The article attempts to give a description of the Solovetsky archipelago as a complex multicomponent self-organizing system, inseparably connected to both nature and human activity. Such systems are called man-sized systems. They require specific intervention strategies. These systems are endowed with synergistic properties, an essential role is played by non-force interactions based on cooperative effects.
words: Solovetsky Archipelago, a world cultural heritage, man-sized system, self-organization, the archetype, «Self», «Person», «Shadow», initiation, liminality, sacred places, genius loci.
Ryabikov Vadim Vadimovich,
Deputy Head of Centre «Marine Arctic Complex Expedition
and maritime heritage of Russia «,
D.S. Likhachev Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage (Moscow)
e-mail: sync8@mail.ru