

Cultural Policy

Yumasheva I.

Cultural Theory

Gorlova I.
Zorin A.

Cultural History

Koksheneva K.

Parkhomenko T.

Okorokov A.

Applied Cultural Research

Gorelova Yu.
Khilko N


Lysenko Ju.

DOI 10.34685/HI.2021.93.63.023
Gorelova Yu.
Khilko N
Artistic and multimedia representation in the reflection of images of heritage and historical memory in the urban cultural environment
Abstract. The article examines the methodological aspects of the typology of images of the reflected cultural heritage and their reflection in historical memory in the process of artistic and multimedia representation of images of the reflected heritage and historical memory, which is based on the associative specification of city images. Special attention is paid to the process of forming images from prototypes; forms, techniques and methods of polyartistic and multimedia representation of images. Examples from the practice of popularizing the historical and cultural heritage of Siberia are given.

Key words: prototypes and images of the city, popularization, reflected cultural heritage, historical memory, artistic and multimedia representation, cultural environment of the city, associative specification of city images.

Gorelova Julia Robertovna,
PhD in History, associate professor,
academic secretary, Siberian brunch of the Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage named after D.Likhachev (Omsk),
email: sfrik@list.ru

Khilko Nikolay Fedorovich,
D. in Pedagogics, full professor,
Siberian brunch of the Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage named after D.Likhachev (Omsk),
email: sfrik@list.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
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  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
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date: 03.09.2014

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