2023/1 (51)


Cultural Policy

Putrik Yu.
Solovyov A.

Cultural Theory

Markaryants I.

Cultural History

Koksheneva K.

Usanova N.

Kazanskaya K.

Applied Cultural Research

Popov M.

Bezrukova V.

DOI 10.34685/HI.2023.25.90.003
Usanova N.
Russian ballroom culture and its types
Abstract. The article analyzes the significance of the ball in Russian culture as an important element of influence on social, cultural and political life in society. Based on historical and modern experience, history is presented in the dynamics of changes from the moment the ball (assemblies) appeared in the 18th century until the end of its active development at the beginning of the 20th century. The functional features of dance evenings and their characteristic features are emphasized. On the basis of literary works, documentary and archival materials, the specifics of the Russian ball are shown. Modern attempts to revive the culture of balls are considered. It is concluded that at present there is a steady tendency to use ballroom evenings in organizing the cultural leisure of young people.

Based on the report at the 7th scientific-practical conference of graduate students and young scientists «Sciences of culture and art: advanced research» (Moscow, January 23-24, 2023).

Key words: ball, dance evening, Russian ball, ballroom culture, Petеr’s assemblies, masquerade, cultural history, history of Russia.

Usanova Natalia Sergeevna
Associate Professor,
Russian State University named after A.Kosygin (Technologies. Design. Art) (Moscow)
Email: nafo69@mail.ru


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