Kuzina N.
Abstract. One of the central issues in the Russian philosophy, political thought and literature abroad XIX - XX centuries is the fate of Russia, the choice of its historical path, its affiliation to the Western or Eastern civilization and culture. In the proposed text, which is a summary of the preamble of a special course, characterization of state ideology of the end of the XIX – first half of the XX centuries has been examined, views and the history of «Scythians» and Eurasians, whose ideas have influenced the Russian social thought of the XX century, have been described.
Key words: Orientalism, «Scythianism», Eurasianism, Nikolay Przhevalsky Peter Kozlov, Vladimir Solovyov, Razumnik V. Ivanov-Razumnik, Nikolai Trubetzkoy, George Vernadsky, Pyotr Savitsky
Kuzina Natalia Vladimirovna,
Ph in Philology,
Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural
and Natural Heritage named after D.Likhachev (Moscow),
е-mail: nvkuzina@mail.ru