

Cultural Theory

Kuzina N.

Cultural History

Zaytzeva A.

Applied Cultural Research

Eremeeva A.

Gorlova I.
Chumachenko V.

Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology

Baksheev E.

Mozgovoy S.

Okorokov A.

UDC 355.75(09) + 9(С)14 + 91(98)
Mozgovoy S.
The 250th anniversary of the high-latitude expedition of Captain Basil Jakovljevic Chichagova

Abstract.  Section Head of the Center of the historic heritage of the Russian Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage Sergey Mozgovoy dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the high-latitude expedition of Captain Basil Jakovljevic Chichagova. The expedition took place in 1765 and 1766 by the great Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov. Its aim was to find a northern route to the Pacific Ocean along the route north of the island of Spitsbergen. The anniversary provides an opportunity to remember about this unique expedition and to rethink its value. The expedition has contributed to the development of the Russian Arctic explorers, reflected the great importance that the Russian government has given to the search of the Northern Sea Route.

Key words: The expedition of Captain Basil Chichagova, Mikhail Lomonosov project, the Northern Sea Route, Svalbard

Mozgovoy Sergey Aleksandrovich,
Ph. In History,
Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage named after D.Likhachev (Moscow),
e-mail: info@heritage-institute.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
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  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
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date: 03.09.2014

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