Rastorguev V.
Abstract. Theses of the speech at the round table «The Federal Law ‘On Culture’ in the system of regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation», held at the Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage named after D.Likhachev (February 9, 2021, Moscow).
The report was prepared within the framework of the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational School of Moscow State University “Preservation of the World Cultural and Historical Heritage”.
Key words: culture, cultural policy, lawmaking, normative legal acts of the Russian Federation, federal law «On culture», legal regulation in the field of culture.
Rastorguev Valery Nikolaevich,
D. in Philosophy,
chief researcher of the Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural
and Natural Heritage named after D.Likhachev (Moscow),
full professor of the Moscow State University
named after M.Lomonosov (Moscow),
email: rv1812@yandex.ru