special issue


The 90th anniversary
RIK - Heritage Institute

Zhitenev S.
Okorokov A.

Boyarsky P.

Elchaninov A.

Zakunov Yu.

Zotova T.

Kozlov V.
Smirnova A.

Parkhomenko T.

Putrik Yu.
Soloviev A.

Romanova D.

Filatova N.

DOI 10.34685/HI.2022.29.74.025
Putrik Yu.
Soloviev A.
Scientific activities of the Center for Sociocultural and Tourism Programs of the Heritage Institute
Abstract. The article provides information on the scientific activities of the specialized subdivision of the Heritage Institute - the Center for Socio-Cultural and Tourism Programs. For 30 years, scientific research has been regularly conducted on topical issues and the search for new forms and methods of using cultural and natural heritage in the tourist and recreational field. The developed scientific methodological approaches and recommendations are actively used in the regions of the Russian Federation.

Key words:
tourism, cultural heritage, use, Heritage Institute, geocultural matrix.

Putrik Yuri Stepanovich,
D. in History, PhD in Geography,
Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage
named after D.Likhachev (Moscow)
Email: info@heritage-institute.ru

Soloviev Andrey Petrovich,
PhD in Pedagogy,
Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage
named after D.Likhachev (Moscow)
Email: info@heritage-institute.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural
  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural

  4 issues per year

online only

of the mass
information media
Эл. № ФС77-59205,
date: 03.09.2014

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