2013/2(12) Contents Cultural Theory Przhilenskaya I. Shapinskaya E. Bizyukova M. Cultural History Selezneva E. Applied Cultural Research Vasilieva Zh. Stepanova O. Humanities Kornienko N. Reviews Gorodilina T.
UDC 316.3+304 Bizyukova M. The cybersocialization is the process of the development of personality in the conditions of society
Abstract. The paper deals with the process of the Сybersocialization, which acquires a greater role in the conditions of transformation of the socio-cultural environment and value system. The urgency of this problem is related to the development of virtual communication space of social networks and the emergence of modern human needs in social networks.
Key words: informational society, virtualization, virtual reality, social networks, cybersocialization.
Bizyukova Maria Sergeevna,
A post-graduate student of the Culturology Department of
Moscow State Pedagogical University (Moscow)
e-mail: k.loneliness@mail.ru
Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
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date: 03.09.2014
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