Ilyin N.
Abstract. Consideration of the basic problems of cultural-historical memory from the perspective of fundamental philosophical concepts is the urgent task of modern Humanities. In this article, the problem of objectivity and subjectivity of the historian is on the foreground. This problem is considered in connection with the views of Hegel, herder, Paul Ricoeur and other thinkers. The main conclusion is that human subjectivity is a positive factor that makes cultural and historical analysis more versatile. Special attention is paid to a number of Russian thinkers, effectively combining philosophical and psychological approaches to the understanding of the phenomenon of memory. The concept of a «collective memory» is subjected to criticism as a memory of a conditional «collective subject». On the basis of this criticism the personalistic concept is suggested, according to which a core value is not the unification of the cultural and historical memory, but its consistent diversity.
Key words: historical and cultural memory, philosophy of history, objectivity, subjectivity, humanity, human as such, the philosophy and psychology of memory, unconsciousness, forgetfulness, prospective memory, personality, collective memory, interpersonal understanding
Ilyin Nikolai Petrovich,
D. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate Professor,
Honorary worker of higher professional education (Saint-Petersburg),