Putrik Yu.
Abstract. The systemic nature and sustainability of the process of promoting regions to the tourist and investment markets can be ensured by the more active use of key civilizational symbols and signs that most clearly reflect the characteristics of each region. A specific tool for involving cultural and natural heritage in the process of branding can be the geocultural matrix of Russian civilization and a map of the civilizational saturation of Russian regions, reflecting the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the material objects of the cultural and natural heritage.
Key words: cultural landscape, culture, matrix, heritage, map, tourism, region, civilization, values.
Putrik Yuri Stepanovich,
D. in History,
Head of the Center for Sociocultural and Tourist Programs,
Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage
named after D.Likhachev (Moscow),
vice-president of the International Tourist Academy,
e-mail: putrik@list.ru