Lakutina N.
Okorokov A.
Abstract. The article represents the photographic materials of the USSR epoch of the period 1950 - the end of 1980, which every decade had own historical marks, any ‘spirit of the times’. By the authors' conviction, photography is able to especially clearly imagine the slice of time through both the landmark events in the life of the country, as well as the details of the life of ordinary man. The photo is taken from the personal archive of A.V.Okorokov, placed in chronological order and provided with comments. Each period is given a brief description of the most significant events of that time.
Key words: photography, Great Patriotic War, veterans, restructuring, cultural ties, festival, underground, Russian scientists, styli, jazz, historical memory.
Lakutina Natalia Pavlovna,
senior researcher,
Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage
named after D.Likhachev (Moscow),
Okorokov Alexander Vasilievich,
D. in History,
Full Member of the Academy of Military Sciences, Member of the Russian Geographical Society,
first deputy director, Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage
named after D.Likhachev (Moscow),