2010/2 Contents Cultural Theory Mezhuev V. Kostina А. Cultural History Rafikova S. Applied Cultural Research Razlogov K. Astafieva O. Humanities Khitarova I. Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology Parkhomenko T. Anniversaries
Jafarova S. Shestakov V.
Zakharchenko Е. Kudrya D. Shemanov А. Reviews Shestakov V. Current Events
UDC 008.001.14 Kostina А. Global Information Society: Contradictions in Cultural Development
Abstract. The author addresses the information society issues that are linked to the set of its inherent contradictions related to knowledge and information being the principle productive resource. Accessibility of information means only its availability but does not assume its intelligibility. On the contrary, an access to the meaning of information remains quite selective. The contradictions characteristic of the social sphere are analyzed in their relation to economic polarization of society, the process of value-based splitting up into strata that share materialistic or post-materialistic values, and personalisation processes that are combined with ongoing massovisation.
Key words: the information society, demassification, personalisation, posteconomical values, digital inequality, globalisation
Kostina Anna Vladimirovna,
Doctor in Philosophy, Doctor in Culturology, Professor,
Head of the Department for Philosophy, Culturology, and Politology
of the Moscow University for the Humanities (Moscow)
e-mail: anna_kostina@inbox.ru
Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
and Natural
Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
and Natural
4 issues per year
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date: 03.09.2014
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