2013/4(14) Contents Semantics of Culture Makhov A. Nenarokova M. Cultural History Moskovskaya D. Humanities Chekalov K. Gorskaja A. Museology Polyakov T. Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology Okorokov A. Reviews Yureneva T. Current Events Troshin A. Kazakova O. Gorskaya A. Nenarokova M.
UDC 378.4 Troshin A. The 100-th Anniversary Celebration of the General Office Building of the Moscow State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The review is devoted to the 100-th anniversary of the Auditorium Building of the Moscow State Pedagogical University and to the corresponding festive and educational activities.
Key words: Moscow State Pedagogical University, Auditorium Building of the former Higher Woman’s School, 100-th anniversary celebration, architect S.U.Solovyov, 1913th.
Troshin Andrey Alekseevich,
Dr. in Philosophy,
Leading Research Officer,
Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow),
e-mail: ricu@dol.ru
Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
and Natural
Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
and Natural
4 issues per year
online only
of the mass
information media
Эл. № ФС77-59205,
date: 03.09.2014
© Российский институт
культурологии, 2010-2014.
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