2013/4(14) Contents Semantics of Culture Makhov A. Nenarokova M. Cultural History Moskovskaya D. Humanities Chekalov K. Gorskaja A. Museology Polyakov T. Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology Okorokov A. Reviews Yureneva T. Current Events Troshin A. Kazakova O. Gorskaya A. Nenarokova M.
UDC 72.036 Kazakova O. Soviet architectural modernism: the shapes of time. On the results of the international scientific conference. Moscow, 21-22 November 2013
Abstract. Nowadays Soviet architecture of the 1960-1980s became worldwide recognized object of artistic interest and scientific study. The article provides a review of major exhibitions and conferences during the last three years dedicated to Soviet architectural modernism.
Key words: Modernism, Architecture 1960 -80-ies., Soviet culture, The Research Institute of the Theory and History of Architecture and Town Planning of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (NIITIAG RAASN).
Kazakova Olga Vladimirovna,
Ph.D. in Art History,
Senior Researcher,
Research Institute of the Theory and History of Architecture
and Town Planning of the Russian Academy
of Architecture and Construction Sciences (Moscow),
e-mail: helga-28@yandex.ru
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