Moskovskaya D.
Abstract. The article discusses the turning point of the post-revolutionary Russian history, when the class struggle enters the area of ideology, when the government seeks to physically destroy the historical memory, embodied in the traditional zoning, local place names, architecture. The article traces the themes and issues of coincidence history research of the time and literary scenes and images of Andrei Platonov , S.Yesenin , K.Vaginov , B.Pilnyak etc. The article shows that the content of the local history of the 1920s comments view of the world, values, ideological direction of contemporary writers.
Key words: chronotope, cultural landscape, cultural revolution, traditional culture, history of national and local lore, history of Russia in the XX century.
Moskovskaya Daria Sergeyevna,
Doctor of Philology,
Head of the Department of Manuscripts of the Federal State Budget Institution A.M.Gorky Institute of World Literature (Moscow),