2014/2(16) Contents Cultural Theory Troshin A. Cultural Heritage of Russia Dudochkin B. Baryshev I., Kuliyev A., Umnyashov A. Cultural History Moskovskaya D. Humanities Chekalov K. Mongush M., Zaitseva A., Baksheev E. Languages of Cultures
Dovgiy O. Pro memoria Zhitenev S. Reviews Parkhomenko E. Sanagursky D. Grin'ko I. Bulavka-Buzgalina L. Current Events Yuryeva T. Zamyatin D.
UDC 316.6(082.1) Bulavka-Buzgalina L. Culture, elite, society: historical reboot. Review on the book “Intellectual Elite in the Context of Russian History of XIX-XX Centuries”
Abstract. The review contains the detailed description of the monograph «Intellectual Elite in the Context of Russian History of XIX-XX Centuries», its practical and theoretical value, structure and the main ideas. What were the intellectual elites in the past century? What are the modern elites? What criteria distinguishes (or should distinguish) this group against others? The answer to this and many other questions can be found in this new book.
Keywords: intellectual elite, the criteria for the elite, intellectuals, intelligency.
Bulavka-Buzgalina Lyudmila Alexeevna,
Dr. of Philosophy,
Chief Researcher, Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow),
e-mail: bulavka81@inbox.ru
Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
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Russian Research
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date: 03.09.2014
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