2019/3(37) Contents Civilization and culture Gorlova I., Zorin A. Bespalova T. Cultural History Elchaninov A. Lysenko A. Svistunova I. Applied Cultural Research Mebonia E., Bespalov A., Molodova A. Museology Rybak K.
Svistunova I. Byzantine studies in Turkey: the history and the present time Abstract. The article deals with the issue of Byzantine Studies development in Turkey starting from the Ottoman period up to the present time. It explores the activities of Turkish archeologists as well as of modern scientific centers having appeared in recent years. The image of Byzantium in popular culture and education is analyzed as reflecting the specifics of Turkish national mentality.
Key words: Turkey, Byzantium, Istanbul, Constantinople, Byzantine heritage, Byzantine studies.
Svistunova Irina Aleksandrovna,
PhD in History,
Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations RAS (Moscow),
e-mail: svistunova.irina@gmail.com
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