2019/3(37) Contents Civilization and culture Gorlova I., Zorin A. Bespalova T. Cultural History Elchaninov A. Lysenko A. Svistunova I. Applied Cultural Research Mebonia E., Bespalov A., Molodova A. Museology Rybak K.
Mebonia E., Bespalov A., Molodova A. Abandoned youth in Russian villages: the problem of patriotic education Abstract. The article summarizes the experience of conducting a military-patriotic meeting in the Kaluga region (June 2019), identified one of the problems of patriotic education of young people «abandoned youth» in Russian villages, identified possible forms of work with such young people contrary to the conditions. It is an attempt to define a spiritual and moral foundation in a situation of lack of integrative idea in Russian society.
Key words: homeland, patriotism, abandoned youth, Russia, villages.
Mebonia Esther Vitievna,
student of Moscow State Pedagogical University (Moscow),
e-mail: ester.mebonia@mail.ru
Bespalov Andrey Konstantinovich,
student of Moscow State Pedagogical University (Moscow),
e-mail: bak2404@bk.ru
Molodova Arina Igorevna,
student of Moscow State Pedagogical University (Moscow),
e-mail: arin.molodova@yandex.ru
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