Spivak D., Zhitenev S., Venkova A.
Abstract. History of national cultural congresses is briefly regarded, as well as the main scientific problems, considered in the course of their work. Main topics of the 5th Russian Cultural Congress with international participation on November 10-11, 2020 are reviewed.
Key words: cultural studies, cultural heritage, cultural sciences, tradition, cultural policy, civilization.
Spivak Dmitry Leonidovich,
D. in Philology,
head, Centre for fundamental studies in the sphere of culture,
Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage
named after D.Likhachev (St.Petersburg),
e-mail: d.spivak@mail.ru.
Zhitenev Sergey Yurievich,
PhD in Cultural research,
adviser to the director, Russian Scientific Research Institute
for Cultural and Natural Heritage named after D.Likhachev (Moscow),
e-mail: zhitenev@bk.ru.
Venkova Alina Vladimirovna,
PhD in Cultural research,
senior research fellow, Center for fundamental research
in the field of culture, Russian Scientific Research Institute
for Cultural and Natural Heritage named after D.Likhachev (St.Petersburg),
e-mail: venkova@mail.ru.