

Cultural Policy

Aristarkhov V.

Cultural Theory

Vasiliev G.
Deryabina E.
Utesheva A.
Vasilyeva S.

Cultural History

Koksheneva K.

Selezneva I.

Applied Cultural Research

Skorokhod A.


Gracheva M.

Zotova T.

Natsky M.
Ravich I.

Zotova T.
Poliakov T.

Local studies

Filippov Yu.
Okorokov A.

DOI 10.34685/HI.2021.22.26.029
Zotova T.
Technologies of the Living Museum in Contemporary Museum Activity: Statement of the Problem and Research Objectives
Abstract. This article analyzes the concept of “living museum” and related immersive technologies of museum exhibition activities. The author examines the history of the formation of this concept, based on the ideas of P.A.Florensky, N.F.Fedorov and D.S.Likhachev, as well as the features of its modern understanding and implementation. The author aims to formulate important tasks, the solution of which will make it possible to lay the conceptual foundation for the introduction of technologies and forms of a “living museum” in modern exhibition activities, providing spiritual storage of tangible and intangible heritage objects.

Key words: museum, living museum, ecomuseum, exposition, museum exhibition, immersive technologies, P.A.Florensky, N.F.Fedorov, D.S.Likhachev.

Zotova Tatiana Alekseevna,
Senior Researcher, post-graduate student,
Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage
named after D.Likhachev (Moscow).
Email: zotova_t@yahoo.com


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
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  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
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  4 issues per year

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date: 03.09.2014

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