

Cultural Policy

Aristarkhov V.

Cultural Theory

Vasiliev G.
Deryabina E.
Utesheva A.
Vasilyeva S.

Cultural History

Koksheneva K.

Selezneva I.

Applied Cultural Research

Skorokhod A.


Gracheva M.

Zotova T.

Natsky M.
Ravich I.

Zotova T.
Poliakov T.

Local studies

Filippov Yu.
Okorokov A.

DOI 10.34685/HI.2021.84.38.001
Natsky M.
Ravich I.
Studying the causes of self-produced cracking of museum exhibits obtained by pressure treatment from brass sheets
Abstract. Several museum objects made of brass sheets that date by the 19th century were studied during the conservation treatment at the metal department of the State Research Institute for Conservation. All the objects contained cracks, breaks and metal losses that occurred during storage. Samples were taken from the areas with cracks and studied using the methods of X-ray fluorescence analysis, metallography and microhardness measurement. It is assumed that destruction processes were caused by corrosion cracking, which was initiated by the shortcomings of the manufacturing technology of brass sheet products made by deformation in the XIX century.

Key words: museum objects, brass sheet, pressure treatment, corrosion cracking, composition, microstructure.

Natsky Mikhail Valentinovich,
Conservator of the highest category
of the State Research Institute of Conservation (Moscow).
Email: mike.natsky@gmail.com

Ravich Irina Grigorievna,
PhD in Technical Sciences,
Leading researcher of the State Research Institute of Conservation (Moscow).
Email: ravich41@mail.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural
  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural

  4 issues per year

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date: 03.09.2014

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