

Cultural Policy

Filin P.

Cultural History

Koksheneva K.

Applied Cultural Research

Pleschenko V.


Vares L.

Ivanov M.

Nelzina O.

Bekker A.
Dubrovin M.

DOI 10.34685/HI.2022.46.45.007
Ivanov M.
Conservation problems of cultural heritage object of monumental art in small towns of Russia on the example of the works of V.Ivanov and M.Kushnaryants-Pyuss in Prokhladny City
Abstract. The article is devoted to the problems of preserving the surviving works of moumental and decorative art of the era of Soviet modernism, as unique objects of the disappearing national cultural heritage of the 1960s-1980s. The works of V.M.Ivanov and M.A.Kushnariants-Puss in Prokhladny City and issues related to their preservation are considered.
Currently, the problem of preserving the objects of monumental and decorative art of the Soviet period of the 1960s-1980s is acute. Mosaics and other objects of monumental art throughout the country are being neglected and destroyed without proper care and restoration. Another threat that cannot be ignored is widespread vandalism, especially in small towns in Russia and former Soviet countries, for example in Ukraine. In the countries that were formerly part of the Soviet Union, this is due to de-communization, which is supported by public and political figures and organizations. It is especially difficult to preserve such busy works of art as mosaics. Often they are spoiled by bad weather conditions and the organization of landscaping.

Key words: monumental and decorative art, monumental art, mosaic, mosaic panels, Soviet modernism, V.M.Ivanov, M.A.Kushnariants-Puss.

Ivanov Mark Alexandrovich,
post-graduate student,
Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage
named after D.Likhachev (Moscow)
Еmail: kolobrod-mark@mail.ru


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