

Cultural Policy

Filin P.

Cultural History

Koksheneva K.

Applied Cultural Research

Pleschenko V.


Vares L.

Ivanov M.

Nelzina O.

Bekker A.
Dubrovin M.

DOI 10.34685/HI.2022.23.47.001
Bekker A.
Dubrovin M.
Silver maker marks of ‘The Sazikov firm’ of the first half of the XIX century, presented in the database of the GOSNIIR
Abstract. The article examines and analyzes information about the hallmarks of the Sazikov company dating first half of the 19th century that are presented in the GOSNIIR Database and in literary sources. The purpose of the study is to clarify the time frame and the validity of some of the company’s hallmarks and to identify previously unknown hallmarks. The results obtained showed that one maker mark goes beyond the scope of the maker marks described in the literature, and two have not been published earlier. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the images of the hallmarks published in the article can serve as a source of information when attributing objects of decorative and applied arts of the first half of the 19th century.

Key words: GOSNIIR, hallmarks database, comparative analysis of maker-mark, Sazikov company, Supplier to the Court of His Imperial Majesty.

Bekker Albert Ottovich,
State Research Institute of Restoration (Moscow)
Email: albertbekker@mail.ru

Dubrovin Mikhail Feliksovich,
PhD in Technology,
State Research Institute of Restoration (Moscow)
Email: info@gosniir.ru


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  Russian Research
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