

Cultural Policy

Tsvetkova G.

Spivak D.

Cultural History

Koksheneva K.

Applied Cultural Research

Putrik Yu.
Solovyov A.

Ippolitov S.

Pleschenko V.


Polyakov T.


Putrik Yu.

DOI 10.34685/HI.2023.23.82.008
Ippolitov S.
Cinematography of the Republic of Kazakhstan: cinema as a national idea
Аbstract. The cinematography of the Republic of Kazakhstan is an insufficiently studied sphere of the creative industries of this Central Asian state. Little attention has been paid to the development of Kazakh cinema in the context of the social and geopolitical problems of the region so far. At the same time, the role of cinema in the life of modern society in general, and Kazakhstan in particular, is still very great. The issues of ensuring copyright protection of Kazakhstan's film industry workers, as well as the importance of the film market as a socio-economic segment of the national economy, remain beyond the scientific interest of researchers. The state national policy aimed at supporting the domestic Kazakh cinema brings tangible results. Over the past decade, a significant number of films of various genres have been created in Kazakhstan with state support, which have won the recognition of the viewer. The steady growth of the national cinema has a synergistic effect: the appearance of new films with a national flavor on the screens is followed by an increase in the number of production and film distribution companies aimed at conquering the local market and receiving state subsidies. The state's support of the Kazakh cinema as an integral element of the national creative industries ensures the growth of related industries, having a noticeable impact on the entire industry.

Key words: Kazakhstan, cinematography, state cultural policy, creative industries, national cultural heritage.

Ippolitov Sergey Sergeevich
D. in History,
Chief Researcher, Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural
and Natural Heritage named after D.Likhachev (Moscow)
Email: nivestnik@yandex.ru


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  Russian Research
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