

Cultural Policy

Shashkin P.

Marzoeva A.

Cultural History

Bitsadze N.

Krasnova I.

Applied Cultural Research

Markov A.,
Shtayn O.

Parkhomenko T.

Yandiev B.


Zotova T.,
Okorokov A.

DOI 10.34685/HI.2024.39.37.029
Shashkin P.
Cultural sovereignty: the content of the legal definition
and law enforcement in strategic planning in the field of national cultural policy
Abstract. The article presents the author’s vision of the enforcement of the definition of “cultural sovereignty” in order to counter sociocultural threats to Russia’s national security and characterizes some of its properties. Ensuring cultural sovereignty is considered as a key component of coordinated actions in the field of strategic planning of public authorities and civil society institutions to protect the sovereignty of the state, achieve strategic management goals, protect the foundations of the constitutional system of Russia, the axiological foundation of statehood and historically established constitutional identity. The properties of cultural sovereignty are revealed, according to the author, in the results of public policy that are measurable from the point of view of strategic management, requiring the implementation of a set of management measures and activities. The property of cultural sovereignty “protection of the people and the state from destructive ideological and information influences” should be expressed in measurable results of coordinated actions of all state structures to suppress the destructive influence on culture with the active participation of civil society in this process. The property of cultural sovereignty “preservation of the historical memory and identity of the people” requires expression in measurable results of public policy from the point of view of strategic management, including a decrease in the number and activity of transnational “identity communities” in the country that are not complementary to the all-Russian civil and cultural identity . The property of cultural sovereignty “carrying out national policy in accordance with traditional Russian values” should find its expression in the concrete results of strengthening the existing historical institutions of public power in terms of their modernization in order to achieve the strategic goals of ensuring national security and development based on the constitutional principle of solidarity that forms civil society. unity and self-awareness. The quality of Russia's cultural sovereignty is thus determined by maintaining the spiritual forces of the state and people, the main public institutions at the level necessary to form sovereign political will and achieve the goals of strategic management.

Key words: cultural sovereignty, national security, strategic planning, traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, public administration, destructive ideology, sociocultural threats, cultural policy, all-Russian civic identity.

Shashkin Pavel Alexandrovich
PhD in Philosophy, Senior Researcher,
Likhachev Russian Research Institute
for Cultural and Natural Heritage (Moscow)
Email: paulshahskin@list.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
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  Russian Research
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