

Cultural Policy

Shashkin P.

Marzoeva A.

Cultural History

Bitsadze N.

Krasnova I.

Applied Cultural Research

Markov A.,
Shtayn O.

Parkhomenko T.

Yandiev B.


Zotova T.,
Okorokov A.

DOI 10.34685/HI.2024.76.52.025
Krasnova I.
On the origin of 'icons of the pure Ukrainian type
of Kyiv icon painting' in Slobozhanshchyna
Abstract. The Slobozhanskaya icon is one of the spiritual components of the geocultural space of Russia. Thanks to the first researchers of the church art of Slobozhanshchina, who found its origins in Kyiv icon painting, it was included in Ukrainian art. that the present is a paradigm. The purpose of the article: using the methods of historical analysis, to consider the events of the 17th – 18th centuries taking place in the territory of Little Russia and Slobozhanshchina and to determine the influence of the Kyiv icon painting school on the development of icon painting art of Slobozhanshchina.
A comparative analysis has proven that Kiev icon painting, which was under the control of Uniate priests from the XVI – XVIII centuries, developed under the strong influence of the Catholic Church and its art, and only from the 18th century. - under the Russian, and Slobozhanskaya - was formed in the bosom of the Russian Orthodox Church and experienced the same changes as the Russian one.

Key words: Slobozhanshchina, Kyiv, icons, Orthodoxy, Uniates, Catholicism.

Krasnova Irina Vladimirovna
Post-graduate student, Likhachev Russian Research Institute
for Cultural and Natural Heritage (Moscow)
Email: krasnova_i@mail.ru


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