Astafieva О., Razlogov К.
Abstract. The concept of culturology is based on the idea of its integrative character. Its establishment as a research and educative discipline in Russia is analysed within the system of social sciences and humanities. The examination of its methodological approaches and cognitive strategies reveals a specificity of subject and structure of culturology and existing correspondence between this and other disciplines concerned with culture.
Key words: culture, culturology, integrative research direction, multidisciplinary research, cognition method, applied cultural research, discourse, inter- and trans-disciplinarity
Astafieva Olga Nikolaevna,
Doctor in Philosophy, Professor,
Head of the Department for Strategies of Sociocultural Policies
of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research,
Vice-Head for Research of the Department for Cultural Studies and Business Communications
at the Russian Academy for Public Administration
by the President of the Russian Federation (Moscow)
Razlogov Kirill Emilievich,
Doctor in Arts History, Professor,
Director of the Russian Institute for Cultural Research (Moscow)