Katasonov V.
Abstract. The article deals with the question of ontological tradition of cultural values understanding, which is widely presented as in Russian philosophy (by V.V. Ivanov, A.S.Homjakov, I.V.Kireevsky, Rev. Pavel Florensky, I.A.Ilin, etc.), and at influential German philosophers of XX century (M.Heidegger, G.Gadamer). As an application of the stated theory, some features of understanding of a national cultural code «Sacred Russia» are discussed: an interpretation of sanctity, as ideal of person in Russian culture; love, as mercies; the concept of Russian nature. On the basis of this ontological tradition the author offers concrete recommendations of Russian national cultural values inheritance policy strategy. The author stresses the conclusion about especial pedagogical significance of explanations of sense of traditional cultural values to young generation.
Key words. Ontology of cultures, ontology of values, Sacred Russia, mercy, Russian nature, Viacheslav Ivanov, Mikhail Gershenzon, Rev. Pavel Florensky, M.Heidegger, G.-G. Gadamer
Katasonov Vladimir Nikolaevich,
D. in Philosophy, D. in Theology, Full Professor;
Cyril and Methodius Theological Institute of Post-Graduate Studies (Moscow),
e-mail: vladimir15k@mail.ru