

Cultural Policy

Aristarkhov V.

Zhitenev S.

Civilization and culture

Tolok Ek.

Cultural History

Gronsky A.

Applied Cultural Research

Izbachkov Yu.
Rybak K.


Kiryanova O.

Petrova D.

Drobiazko S.


Putrik Yu.

Izbachkov Yu.
Rybak K.
About the religious experience of Helena Roerich and the desire of his experiences of the adherents of the “Living Ethics”
Abstract. The article proposes and substantiates hypothesis that the psychosomatic state of Helena Roerich was compensated by the creation of resource rituals through communication with “teachers” (“Great White Brotherhood”, “Kings of Shambhala”). The results of the contacts reflected the model of her personal religious (mystical) experience. The adepts of the Roerichs began to use the “Living Ethics” reading to create their own resource rituals. In the “Living Ethics” they are trying to reveal meanings, realizing that, you can achieve a state of inner harmony and unity with the world, rationalize fears. However, the texts of the “Living Ethics” do not provide such an opportunity, their study directs activity, not on the actions themselves, but on thinking about actions. These assumptions are consistent with the previously made hypothesis that among the open adherents of the “Living Ethics”, there is an inherent emotionalism of statements with fixation on obstacle. It can be said with greater certainty that the belief in reality of the transformation of the material world promoted by Roerich's apologetics is fraught with the ideal force of art into pure contemplation with accentualization of one’s own ignorance, including using meaningless sets of science-like or pathos phrases, and as a result of changing the people’s enlightenment archaic and phantasmagoric structures.

Key word: Living Ethics, Agni Yoga, sect, Rosicrucians, Helena Roerich, L.V. Shaposhnikova, strophanthus, resource rituals, disturbed thinking.

Izbachkov Yuri Sergeevich,
curator, scholar Roerich (Moscow)

Rybak Kirill Yevgenievich,
D. in Cultural research,
Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage named after D.Likhachev (Moscow),
e-mail: rybak@mkrf.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural
  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
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  4 issues per year

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Эл. № ФС77-59205,
date: 03.09.2014

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