

Cultural History

Grafova E.

Skorobogacheva E.

Applied Cultural Research

Filin P.


Sarkisova E.

Filippov Yu.
Kazarina N.

Yakovuk О.

Shangin A.

DOI 10.34685/HI.2020.11.96.008
Skorobogacheva E.
Holy-Trinity-Paraskeveevki Monastery in Toplov: Echoes of contrasting events in Russian history and culture
Abstract. The article is devoted to the half-forgotten history of the Crimean Orthodox Holy Trinity-Paraskeviev Monastery in Toplov, largely based on the author's practical study of architectural objects when visiting the monastery. The contrasting trends that determined the construction from Ancient Russia to the present time are traced. Special attention is paid to the period of the second half of the 19th – early 20th century, the heyday of the monastery, when its history is connected with the activities of the Right Reverend Guriy (Karpov), representatives of the family of Barons Bode (de Bode), Abbess Paraskeva (Rodimtseva), architect N.A.Feldman, Count N.F.Heyden. The development of the Toplov monastery is inseparable from the contradictory history of Russia of the twentieth century, when the ensemble fell into desolation, which is not an exception, but a sad pattern, which is partially overcome only at the beginning of the 21st century.

Key words: Holy Trinity-Paraskeviev Monastery in Toplov, architectural ensemble, Trinity Church, classicism, traditions of Orthodox culture, revolutionary turmoil, historical memory.

Skorobogacheva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna,
D. in History of Arts,
Ilya Glazunov Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture (Moscow),
e-mail: skorobogacheva@mail.ru


  Russian Research
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  Russian Research
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