

Applied Cultural Research

Ippolitov S.

Pustovoit Yu.
Fokin S.

Ilyina I.

Elchaninov A.

Cultural History

Okorokov A.


Pakhomchik S.
Shelegina O.
Nesterova I.

Filippov Yu.
Kazarina N.
Gracheva M.

DOI 10.34685/HI.2023.97.15.018
Ippolitov S.
Fashion industry of the Republic of Belarus: a cultural factor in the national economy
Аbstract. The aggravation of the foreign policy situation around the Republic of Belarus has found an unexpected reflection in the fashion industry: national ethnic motifs have become popular trends in the fashion industry, which have firmly taken their place in the collections of Belarusian designers. Such a trend has a synergistic effect: buyers' interest in ethnic motifs in clothing, shoes and accessories has led to the development of adjacent production facilities for the production of leather, linen fabrics and products made from them. In parallel with the «ethnic», the «ecological» trend of Belarusian fashion is developing: products made of natural materials, the production of which causes minimal damage to the environment, are becoming popular among educated youth. The country has managed to preserve and develop this creative sector of the national economy in the face of fierce external competition. Large industrial enterprises satisfy mass demand; a significant number of medium and small enterprises of the fashion industry offer competitive samples to the market to satisfy a wide variety of, sometimes marginal, tastes. Indirect evidence of the success of the strategy chosen by the state is the high «survival rate» of national startups in the fashion industry, reaching 50 percent or more.

Key words: creative industries, Republic of Belarus, fashion industry, cultural heritage, creative sector of economy.

Ippolitov Sergey Sergeevich
D. in History,
Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage
named after D.Likhachev (Moscow),
State Research Institute for Restoration
Email: nivestnik@yandex.ru


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date: 03.09.2014

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