

Applied Cultural Research

Ippolitov S.

Pustovoit Yu.
Fokin S.

Ilyina I.

Elchaninov A.

Cultural History

Okorokov A.


Pakhomchik S.
Shelegina O.
Nesterova I.

Filippov Yu.
Kazarina N.
Gracheva M.

DOI 10.34685/HI.2023.35.74.021
Pakhomchik S.
Shelegina O.
Nesterova I.
Museum of the History of Peasant Life in Nasekina village, Tyumen Region: role in the preservation and development of cultural heritage
Abstract. The article deals with the activities of the Museum of History of Peasant Life in the ancient Nasekina village, Tyumen region, included in the federal tourist route «To Siberia at will». Presented are forms of interactive work with the local community, children and youth, tourists to familiarize them with traditional culture and folk crafts for the development and translation of regional and national Russian identity.

Key words: museum of peasant life' history, Tyumen region, federal tourist route, intangible cultural heritage, regional, Russian identity.

Pakhomchik Sergey Alexeevich
PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
Tyumen State University (Tyumen)
Email: homa380@yandex.ru

Shelegina Olga Nikolaevna
D. in History, Leading Researcher. Institute of History SB RAS (Novosibirsk)
Email: oshelegina@yandex.ru

Nesterova Inna Alexandrovna
Director of the Museum of the History of Peasant Life in Nasekina village (Tyumen Region)
Email: shrotinna@mail.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural
  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural

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date: 03.09.2014

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