Pustovoit Yu.
Fokin S.
Abstract. The article is devoted to a comprehensive substantiation of the cultural value of chess with the help of cultural and axiological approaches. Chess, being the property of mankind, and therefore a cross-cultural phenomenon, has played different socio-cultural roles in different periods of history. The authors consider chess as a model of a military battle, a marker of elitism, an intellectual value, a phenomenon of moral culture, an aesthetic value, an attractive phenomenon, a means of cultural and pedagogical influence, and a cultural format of leisure.
Key words: chess, culture of chess game, cultural approach, axiological approach, value.
Pustovoit Yulia Vladimirovna
PhD in Philosophy,
Senior Researcher, Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage named after D.Likhachev (Moscow)
Email: pustovoit_yu@rambler.ru
Fokin Stanislav Sergeevich
Head of the Michail Botvinnik Сhess Ыchool,
educational complex «Vorobyovy Gory» (Moscow)
Email: nikof@list.ru