Ilyina I.
Abstract. In the conditions of the sanctions war declared by Russia, as well as the formation in the countries of the collective West of the culture of the abolition of Russia, its national and cultural values, the strengthening and popularization of the Russian language, including the Russian scientific language, is one of the most important tasks of preserving the integrity of Russia.
The article considers the position of the Russian language in the world and in the post-Soviet space, including the number of scientific publications in Russian in international scientometric databases, as well as in the countries of the former USSR. The author highlighted in detail various instruments and measures of state support aimed at preserving and strengthening the position of the Russian language in the country and in the world, including in the CIS countries, emphasized the importance of dictionaries as elements of national culture. The article also focuses on the development of a new tool for researchers, scientific journals, publishing houses of the CIS member states - the International Science Citation Index.
Key words: Russian language, Russian civilization, national self-identity, foreign borrowings, dictionaries, popularization of the Russian language, scientific publications in Russian, International Science Citation Index.
Ilyina Irina Evgenievna
D. in Economy, Associate professor,
Director of the Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in the Scientific and Technical Sphere (RIEPP) (Moscow)