

Cultural Policy

Zabotkin G.
Yudin V.

Conference of young scientists 2024, 23-24 January

Vasiliev G.

Zotova T.

Kazanskaya K.

Mikhalsky F.

Radaeva V.

Nazaretyan P.

Polyushkina K.

Krasnova I.

Kulakova N.

Snegovskaya E.

DOI 10.34685/HI.2024.40.83.007
Nazaretyan P.
The foundations of humanitarian approaches in the study
of the practice of cinematography
on the example of key socio-cultural models of national history
Abstract. The article outlines the main aspects of the fundamental transition in the research understanding of cinema and presents a modern view of the relationship between trends, works of screen art and contemporary societies. From the standpoint of cultural studies, the interpretation of the aesthetics of the film is highlighted, highlighting the common features of cinematic concepts of beauty. Using the example of the periodized history of Russian-Soviet cinema, the presence and meaning of the close specific impact of cinema and culture on each other in various conditions of socio-political formations are shown.

Key words: socio-cultural meaning of cinematography, philosophy of cinema, aesthetics of cinema, history of Russian-Soviet cinema.

Nazaretian Peter Varazdatovich
University teacher, Kuban State Medical University (Krasnodar)
Email: krrmagnit@mail.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural
  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
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  4 issues per year

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date: 03.09.2014

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