

Cultural Policy

Zabotkin G.
Yudin V.

Conference of young scientists 2024, 23-24 January

Vasiliev G.

Zotova T.

Kazanskaya K.

Mikhalsky F.

Radaeva V.

Nazaretyan P.

Polyushkina K.

Krasnova I.

Kulakova N.

Snegovskaya E.

DOI 10.34685/HI.2024.57.39.009
Krasnova I.
Types of Slobozhansky icons of the 17th - 18th centuries
based on the materials of the XII Archaeological Congress
in Kharkov in 1902
Аbstract. The rich cultural heritage of Slobozhanshchina has practically not been preserved, and today it is forced to study it from a few written testimonies and rare photographs. One of these sources is the catalog and album of the exhibition collected by E.K. Redin for the XII Archaeological Congress. Despite the unsystematic nature of the exhibition and subjective assessments of the collected icons, their description gives an idea of the development of icon painting in Slobozhanshchina, cultural exchange between different regions of the Russian Empire and Western Europe. Systematization and analysis of icons made it possible to identify their main types and, on the basis of this, to identify the directions and styles in which Slobozhansky artists worked, which makes it possible to characterize the local Slobozhansky school of painting and evaluate its contribution to the formation of the cultural heritage of Russia.

Key words: icon painting, types of icons, Slobozhansky icons, XII Archaeological Congress, Slobozhanshchina, E.K. Redin, church antiquities.

Krasnova Irina Vladimirovna
Post-graduate, Likhachev Russian Research Institute
for Cultural and Natural Heritage (Moscow)
Email: krasnova_i@mail.ru


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