

Cultural Theory

Burovsky A.

Drach G.

Rezhabek E.

Cultural History

Flier A.

Sirotinskaya M.

Applied Cultural Research

Bagdasaryan N.

Osipova N.


Avanesova G.

Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology

Zaks L.


Zolotova T.


Tishchenko P.

Current Events

Saiko E.

UDC 008(091)
Tishchenko P.
Review of the Book
”Metamorphoses of Reason in European Culture”
(Метаморфозы разума в европейской культуре.
М.: Прогресс-Традиция, 2010. 648 с.)

In a way, the book is concerned with a history of the school of thought that developed at the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute in the 1960es and the 1970es. The first part of the book is written by Leon Chernyak and includes a sketch series. Though created at various times, it gives an inclusive representation of ideas developed by the renown Russian-speaking philosopher who is living in the United States. The second part is written by Oleg Rumyantsev who was a student of Mark Turovsky, Vyacheslav Silvestrov, and L.Chernyak in the 1970es. He discusses a problem of personal freedom against a wide historical context. The author of the third part Aleksei Shemanov was also a Turovsky’s student; he proves a special status of empirical subjectivity, which is not dissolved or shadowed by the gnoseological subject of classical type. The final part of the book includes Turovsky's course on the history of philosophy. 

Key words:
a school of thought, self-determination, self-limitation, culture, freedom, philosophy history, nature

Tishchenko Pavel Dmitrievich,
Doctor in Philosophy,
Head of the Department for Humanitarian Expertise and Bioethics,
Philosophy Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
e-mail: ptishchenko@mtu-net.ru


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
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  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
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date: 03.09.2014

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