2013/3(13) Contents Cultural Theory Shapinskaya E. Flier A. Cultural History Troshin A. Applied Cultural Research Urmina I. Humanities Kornienko N. Gacheva A. Kreymer-Dementyeva L. Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology Okorokov A. Pro memoria Shemanov A. Okorokov A. Current Events Svyatoslavski A. Baksheev E.
UDC 82.091 Kornienko N. The Names of Moscow and St. Petersburg in the Russian literature of 1910-30-s (Part 2)
Abstract. The publication presents a study of the images of Moscow and Petersburg as they represented by Russian literature of the 1910-30-s with particular attention to the role of onomastic and toponimic processes.
Key-words: Russian literature of the 1910-30-s, name of the place, “soul” of the place, Moscow, Petersburg, onomastics, toponimics
Kornienko Natalia Vasilievna,
Dr. of Science (Philology), Professor,
Associate Member of the Russian Academy of Science,
Head of the New Russian Literature Dept.
in the A.M. Gorky Institute of World Literature (Moscow),
e-mail: info@imli.ru
Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
and Natural
Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
and Natural
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Эл. № ФС77-59205,
date: 03.09.2014
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