2013/3(13) Contents Cultural Theory Shapinskaya E. Flier A. Cultural History Troshin A. Applied Cultural Research Urmina I. Humanities Kornienko N. Gacheva A. Kreymer-Dementyeva L. Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology Okorokov A. Pro memoria Shemanov A. Okorokov A. Current Events Svyatoslavski A. Baksheev E.
UDC 130.2 Gacheva A. Nickolas Fedorov and Nickolas Anzipherov: The Eternal Memory Servants
Abstrats. In this article we try to draw a parallel between the N. Fedorov’s philosophy of remembrance and culture and Ansipherov’s opinion that history can be considered as a form of struggle for eternity.
Keywords: N. Anzipherov, N. Fedorov, philosophy of remembrance, the religious sense of culture, history as a form of overcoming time.
Gacheva Anastasia Georgievna,
Doctor of Philology,
Leading Researcher of The Gorky Institute of World Literature
of The Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow),
The Nickolas Fyodorov Museum-Library Chief Librarian (Moscow),
e-mail: a-gacheva@yandex.ru
Russian Research
Institute for Cultural
and Natural
Russian Research
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date: 03.09.2014
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