Surovova L.
Abstract. The author considers one of the major problems for the entire Russian emigration of 20-30th of XX century – the life in exile. Those who have made Russian emigration literature differently experienced the change of cultural space: especially difficult it was for writers, whodrew inspiration exclusively from natural sources – in their work the theme of Russian homeland became central. One of them was I.S.Shmelev.On his example, the most typical, one can trace the familiarization of Europe: the angle at which Russian literature of Russian emigrationperceived its «cheerful stepmother» (in the apt words by N.Turoverov) - France.
Key words: literature, emigration, culture, history, Russia, France, typical, space, time.
Surovova Lyudmila Yurievna,
PhD. in Philology,
Senior researcher,
M.Gorky Institute of World Literature. (Moscow),