


Surovova L.

Farsetti A.

Witczak P.

Chekalov K

Shabshaevich E., Malachova S.

Cochin G.

Svyatoslavsky A.

Applied Cultural Research

Zhitenev S.

Milovanov C.

Cultural Heritage of Russia

Lopan O.

Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology

Baksheev E.

Current Events

Dovgy O.

UDC 782
Shabshaevich E., Malachova S.
Massenet’s «Don Quixote» as a milestone in the musical drama embodiment of the image of the hero of Cervantes

Abstract. The article is devoted to the evolution of the image of Don Quixote in the musical theater in XIX and XX centuries. At first the image of the hero of the novel was revealed mainly in a comic vein (ballet by L.Minkus, 1869). Starting from of Jules Massenet's Opera “Don Quichotte” (1910) the angle changed to the sublime, heroic, even tragic character. Massenet had also filled the image of Don Quixote by lyrical and philosophical issues. This trend has not been immediately adopted in the musical theatre of the twentieth century: opera by M. de Falla «El Retablo de Maese Pedro» (1923) was still written in a parody tradition. However, the Massenet's interpretation of the image of the hero has been gradually established as a tradition of musical theatre («Le chevalier errant» by Jacques Ibert, 1936; «Don Quixote» by N.Nabokov — J. Balanchine, 1965, etc.).

Key words: Cervantes, «Don Quixote», J.Massenet, L.Minkus, R.Strauss, M. de Falla, J.Ibert, N.Nabokov, J.Balanchine, musical theater, XIX and XX centuries.

Shabshaevich Elena Markovna,
PhD., Associate Professor,
Department of Music Theory and History,
Schnittke Moscow State Music Institute (Moscow),
e-mail shabsh@yandex.ru

Malachova Sofia Alexandrovna,
Schnittke Moscow State Music Institute, Department of musicology (Moscow),
e-mail sonya1703@rambler.ru


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