


Surovova L.

Farsetti A.

Witczak P.

Chekalov K

Shabshaevich E., Malachova S.

Cochin G.

Svyatoslavsky A.

Applied Cultural Research

Zhitenev S.

Milovanov C.

Cultural Heritage of Russia

Lopan O.

Small Encyclopaedia of Culturology

Baksheev E.

Current Events

Dovgy O.

UDC 821.131.1
Farsetti A.
The image of USSR in fascists’ travel notes: the case of Vincenzo Cardarelli («The Journey of a Poet in Russia»)
Abstract. In Vincenzo Cardarelli’s travel notes about Moscow and Leningrad (written during his stay in USSR in 1928-1929), one can identify three main descriptive tendencies. First of all, the reference to a predetermined, idealized image of “the other”, which comes from XIX century Russian Literature and touristic stereotypes about the country. Secondly, the recognition of some characteristics of ‘the own’ in “the other”, which allows the author to understand and indicate realia unknown to him. Finally,”the other” is depicted as “inferior” and compared with “the own” through rough, racist judgments by the author, which were unaccustomed even to the fascist intellectuals of that time.

Key words: Vincenzo Cardarelli (1887-1959), Italians in Russia, Images of Russia, Travel notes, “the own” vs. “the others”, barbaric vs. civilized.

Farsetti Alessandro,
PhD. in Russian Literature,
Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Department of Linguistics
and Comparative Cultural Studies (Venice, Italy),
e-mail: alessandrofarsetti@gmail.com


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
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  Russian Research
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date: 03.09.2014

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