

Cultural Theory

Bespalova T.

Kulikov A.

Cultural History

Parkhomenko T.

Applied Cultural Research

Spivak D.L.
Urazova A.S.
Zaharchuk A.G.
Spivak I.M.

Pleshchenko V.

Skorobogacheva E.


Spivak D.L.
Urazova A.S.
Zaharchuk A.G.
Spivak I.M.
Psychological aspects of cultural inheritance and their molecular biological correlates: new data
Abstract. Psychological processes and states (primarily at the level of psychological tension, activation, concentration, as well as psychological defense mechanisms), along with their molecular biological correlates (telomere length, telomerase activation), providing the process of cultural inheritance, were studied, basing on observation of 63 young, healthy Russian-speaking urban dwellers, who passed an audiocourse of music of different kinds. Perception of light classical music, belonging to the realm of cultural heritage of our respondents, resulted in an increase of telomere length, which was most possibly related to stress reduction, and prolongation of the expected lifespan. Perception of modern designer music, which did not belong to the realm of cultural heritage of the Ss, resulted in activation of telomerase, which was not accompanied by an increase in telomere length. Strategy of this kind is most possibly applied for means of preventing telomere shortening, which tends to occur in stressful conditions.

Key words: Cultural inheritance, psychological tension, concentration, coping strategies, telomeres, telomerase

Spivak Dmitry Leonidovich,
D. in Philology,
Center for Fundamental Research in the field of culture of the Russian Scientific Research Institute for Cultural and Natural Heritage named after D.Likhachev (St. Petersburg),
e-mail: d.spivak@mail.ru

Urazova Arina Sergeevna,
University of Halle-Wittenberg (Halle, Germany)

Zakharchuk Andrey Genrikhovich,
PhD in Medical Sciences,
Military Medical Academy named after S.Kirov (St. Petersburg),
e-mail: a.g.zaharchuk@gmail.com

Spivak Irina Mikhaylovna,
PhD in Biology,
Institute of Cytology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg),
e-mail: irina_spivak@hotmail.com


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural
  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural

  4 issues per year

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date: 03.09.2014

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