


Aristarkhov V.
Shashkin P.


Beresneva Zh.

Chekmeneva R.
Chekmenev A.
Sushkova-Irina Ya.

Chentsov A.


Koksheneva K.

Lidzhieva E.

Markaryants I.

Zhachemuk V.


Gracheva M.
Galkina A .
Kazarina N.

Karabanova I.

DOI 10.34685/HI.2025.60.80.009
Aristarkhov V.
Shashkin P.
On the relationship between the concepts of 'Russian constitutional values' and 'traditional Russian spiritual and moral values'
Abstract. The article examines the semantic content and relationship of the legal concepts of «traditional Russian spiritual and moral values» and «constitutional values» of the Russian Federation. According to the authors' conclusions, Russian constitutional values of the highest order are among the traditional Russian spiritual and moral values that form the basis of Russian society and the historically established state. Traditional Russian spiritual and moral values are the axiological core of the current Constitution; they are not of a narrowly ethnic or religious nature, but of a general civil nature, and are the main factor in the formation of civil unity, all-Russian identity, Russian statehood and civilizational originality. Other fundamental values present in the Constitution of Russia - original universal human values are equally considered as values inherent in Russia, forming the basis of traditional Russian spiritual and moral values. Thus, traditional Russian and universal values represent a single system of constitutional values, in which traditional values are either directly and immediately related to constitutional norms, or the latter are their organic legal expression, historically conditioned by the original development of Russian civilization and the domestic legal system. In the further development of strategic planning documents, especially in the field of educational policy, the authors propose to give priority in education to traditional Russian spiritual and moral values in relation to other constitutional values, which is of decisive importance for the preservation and strengthening of the civilizational identity of the people of Russia and the cultural sovereignty of the country.

Key words: traditional Russian spiritual and moral values, constitutional values, cultural policy, constitutionalism, identity of the Russian nation, all-Russian civil identity, cultural continuity, cultural sovereignty, national security.

Aristarkhov Vladimir Vladimirovich,
Director, Likhachev Russian Research Institute
for Cultural and Natural Heritage (Moscow)
Email: aristarkhov@heritage-institute.ru

Shashkin Pavel Alexandrovich,
PhD in Philosophy,
Likhachev Russian Research Institute
for Cultural and Natural Heritage (Moscow)
Email: paulshahskin@list.ru


  Russian Research
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  Russian Research
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