Lidzhieva E.
Abstract. The article analyzes the influence of Buddhism on the everyday life of modern Kalmyk youth based on empirical data. Two aspects of the issue are emphasized: 1) the main ways of expressing commitment to the Buddhist religion in everyday life, the main motives for visiting religious places and clergy; 2) observance of Buddhist religious practices (rites, rituals, fasts and vows). Empirical data were obtained by means of a sociological survey in the form of an anonymous questionnaire among young people who are ethnic Kalmyks. It was revealed that Buddhism in the everyday behavior of modern Kalmyk youth is expressed to a greater extent through observance of moral values, ethical norms and principles of a universal nature, as well as through observance of Buddhist religious traditions (holidays, home prayers) and visiting religious places and clergy. It is concluded that the dominant factor in the visits of Kalmyk youth to Buddhist temples and clergy is the spiritual need to perform rituals, ceremonies, order prayers, and for a considerable part of the youth, the main motive is an internal spiritual aspiration. It is noted that the majority of Kalmyk youth do not perform or partially perform such spiritual religious practices as observing monthly «fasting days», fasting in the sacred month of Urs Sar, taking Buddhist moral vows.
Key words: Buddhism, Buddhist values, Buddhist ethics, Buddhist religious traditions, Kalmykia, Kalmyk culture, Kalmyk youth, religiosity, everyday behavior, value orientations.
Lidzhieva Ekaterina Nikolaevna,
Research engineer, B.B.Gorogovikov Kalmyk State University
(Elista, Republic of Kalmykia)