Chekmeneva R.
Chekmenev A.
Sushkova-Irina Ya.
Abstract. The article presents the history of the creation and analysis of performance interpretations of one of the most important works in the treasury of violin literature – the Concerto for Violin and Orchestra by P.I.Tchaikovsky. The authors justify the need for this study by the fact that musicians especially often turn to the analyzed work, so firmly has it taken a worthy place in the repertoire of modern violinists. Now it is mandatory to perform in competitive auditions for musical groups. Learning and subsequent concert performance of the work presupposes extensive professional experience of the musician. However, not only outstanding violinists of our time strive to perform the Concerto, but also many students of higher educational institutions. For this reason, it is necessary to conduct a scrupulous analysis of all types of technique found in the work, thanks to which the professional performance of the Concerto within the framework of higher music education will be fully realized.
Key words: violin concerto, Concerto for violin and orchestra D-dur op.35, P.I.Tchaikovsky, violinists, violin performance art, performance interpretations.
Chekmeneva Regina Robertovna,
PhD in Art history, Full Professor, Maimonida Academy
at the Kosygin Russian State University
(Technology. Design. Art) (Moscow)
Chekmenev Alexey Igorevich,
Associate Professor, Maimonida Academy
at the Kosygin Russian State University
(Technology. Design. Art) (Moscow)
Sushkova-Irina Yankelika Igorevna,
PhD in Cultural Research, Director, Maimonida Academy
at the Kosygin Russian State University
(Technology. Design. Art) (Moscow)