Karabanova I.
Abstract. In the Russian Federation, 2024 has been declared the Year of the Family. The article discusses the goals, objectives and formats of work with a family audience in an art museum that contribute to the development of traditional family values, analyzes the difficulties and their causes. The research showed that art museums have great potential to strengthen family values through educational activities with a family audience, forming a friendly atmosphere in the family, building trusting interpersonal communication and developing creative thinking. Theoretical and empirical methods were used in the study: the analysis of pedagogical, psychological, philosophical scientific literature on the research topic was carried out; inductive, deductive and logical methods of scientific analysis were applied, among the empirical methods: observation and comparison. The developed formats of working with a family audience can be used by museum and school teachers.
Key words: family values, arts museum, museum pedagogy, aesthetic development, upbringing.
Karabanova Irina Mikhailovna,
Deputy General Director of the New Jerusalem
State Museum of History and Art (Istra, Mocow region)
Email: irikar5@yandex.ru