

Cultural Policy

Shashkin P.,
Rudakov A.

Marzoeva A.

Conference of young scientists 2024, 23-24 January

Orlov S.

Piunova P.

Garafutdinov D.

Natkho A.

Tyurina E.

Talovin K.

Korennoy A.

Krasnova I.

Snegovskaya E.

Konkova E.

DOI 10.34685/HI.2024.77.86.012
Shashkin P.,
Rudakov A.
Key features of destructive ideology and the degree of its social danger: legal aspects of the application of the protection of traditional Russian values in state policy
Abstract. The article examines the semantic content and legal definition of the concept “destructive ideology” in comparison with other concepts of systems of ideas and values destructive for Russian statehood and society (ideology of violence, extremist ideology, terrorism). According to the authors’ conclusions, the key defining features of a destructive ideology are the organized and purposeful nature of its spread, which has a clear goal setting - the destruction of the cultural sovereignty of the Russian Federation, the national and cultural identity of citizens that has historically developed over centuries, as well as the formation of objective threats to the national interests of Russia as a result of such activities. Propaganda of destructive ideology, in terms of the degree of its social danger, occupies an intermediate position between the propaganda of extremism and the propaganda of antisocial behavior.

Key words: traditional Russian values, destructive ideology, cultural sovereignty, national security, cultural policy, identity of the Russian nation, all-Russian civic identity, cultural continuity.

Shashkin Pavel Alexandrovich
PhD in Philosophy,
Senior Researcher, Likhachev Russian Research Institute
for Cultural and Natural Heritage (Moscow)
Email: paulshashkin@list.ru

Rudakov Alexander Borisovich
PhD in History, Senior Researcher,
Likhachev Russian Research Institute for Cultural


  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
  and Natural
  Russian Research
  Institute for Cultural
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date: 03.09.2014

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