Orlov S.
Abstract. The article presents a cultural analysis of the concept of «digital footprint. Its nature as a specific type of information is revealed and different approaches to considering the scope of the concept are analyzed. Its place and role in the organization of the digital environment are determined. The individual varieties, levels and ways of manifestation are characterized, and the peculiarities of existence in the digital environment are revealed. The spheres of human society activity in which the digital footprint is functionally and dysfunctionally used are considered. The substantiation of its socio-cultural potential is presented and the leading role in the formation of a new culture of the network society is determined.
Key words: digital environment, digital footprint, digital profile, big data, sociocultural phenomenon, culture of network behavior
Orlov Sergei Nikolaevich
Post-graduate student,
Likhachev Russian Research Institute for Cultural
and Natural Heritage (Moscow)
Email: orlovsn_99@mail.ru