Abstract. This article opens a series of reports devoted to the history of the creation and use of the Experimental Fund in the department of scientific restoration of easel tempera painting of the State Research Institute of Restoration. It contains general information about the creation of the fund, the history of receipt of items and the initial objectives of the fund. Brief information is also provided on what problems are currently being solved in the tempera painting restoration department with the help of the fund. As an example of conducting research work, the article discusses an experiment conducted by the department on the influence of temperature and humidity conditions on the working compositions of solvents. Currently, the study of the history of the fund continues.
Key words: icon painting, easel tempera painting, scientific restoration, Experimental Fund, GOSNIIR.
ChalenkoTatyana Tarasovna
Restorer, Head of Department of easel tempera painting
scientific restoration, State Research Institute of Restoration (Moscow)
Email: tatyana.tarasovna@gmail.com
Piunova Polina Ruslanovna
Restorer of the Department of easel tempera painting
scientific restoration, State Research Institute of Restoration (Moscow)
Email: piunova_polina@mail.ru